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Writer's pictureChase Osterman-Secretary

Previous Board Meetings

Written by Eric Heitz

Monday, 23 July 2012 08:46

Sierra Chapter Board Meeting Minutes Friday July 20, 2012 OCC Offices 2204 Kausen Dr, Suite 100, Elk Grove CA, 95758

Attendance: Tim Habiger, Steve Bradley, Mark LaFleur, Chris Middleton, Eric Heitz, Earl Killingsworth, Larry Wray, Ray Crabtree, Mike Milligan.

Submitted By: Tim Habiger Call to Order: 11:35 AM

Approval of June 2012 Board Meeting Minutes, Minutes were approved unanimously without comment. Thanks to Don Dyer for putting them together!

Treasurer’s Report: Approved. Account balanced through June 2012.

2012 Budget Review. Our chapter budget is presently in good shape with income from the golf tourney. We’re slightly better than target as of this month.

Website/Newsletter: Website up to date. There is one training item on the site at present. It will be revised somewhat (see below)

Training: August 15th G095/128 Training Comcast Stockton offices. Eric will add language to the announcement stating that proctors will be available for testing. He’ll also add language stating that this session supports Premise and Broadband Technician certifications.

Compliance Matrix: Our standing is good. What can we do to catch GG? Increase participation in certification programs. Apply language to the training session descriptions that will qualify them as certification prep sessions. Add proctor attendance to training sessions. Board members should examine the point’s matrix and help as they can.

Newsletter/Headlines: – For July, Eric will rebroadcast the August G095/128 class and add certification language and proctor presence to the announcement.

New Business:

1. Subsequent Scholarships – We have one request pending from Marvin Tech, son of Marlo Tech. SCTE bylaws require membership for 1 year prior to application. Marlo has not been a member for that period yet. Eric Heitz will communicate this to Marlo. No other apps received to this point. 2. Board Member’s interested in attending Cable Expo - Little movement on this matter since last month. Will discuss again in August. 3. Credit card processing – This is tabled this month as Mike Morris was unable to attend. 4. Idea’s for posters to advertise/promote chapter scholarships etc. - Eric and Don will review some materials that were requested from SCTE when they arrive. Eric is also working on some other good ideas.

Adjournment: 12:03 PM

Next Meeting: 11:30 AM August 31st, 2012 Comcast Roseville Headend 6901 Roseville Rd, Sacramento CA, 95842 Conference Bridge Available

Aug 2011 Board Meeting Minutes

Written by Eric Heitz

Friday, 19 August 2011 12:03

Friday Aug. 12, 2011 OCC – Elk Grove, CA Office

Attendance: Bob Angelastro, Mike Morris, Eric Heitz, Marc LaFleur, Jim Omori, Steve Bradley, Larry Wray, Mike Milligan, Don Dyer, Ivan Dieu, Ian Thomas, Chris Middleton

Call to Order: 11:35 AM

Approval of July 15, 2011 Minutes: Approved

Treasurer’s Report: There are funds in the checking account (see attached). Account is Balanced through July 2011. Approved Old business:

EXPO: A drawing was held for eligible chapter members that have received SCTE certifications during the past year. Stuart Kidd was selected and will be awarded a pass to EXPO ’11. The board approved reimbursing him $1000 for expenses. Steve Bradley will be attending on behalf of the Sierra Chapter, using a free pass, and expense re-imbursement up to $1000.

Website / Newsletter: Is up to date. Eric updated the group on usage and hits. 69% of the web site hits are from California, and 97% from within the USA.

Training: We have an IPv6 seminar scheduled for August 18 & 19, Eric has sent out newsletter. Classes are filling up, we have about 15 per class so far. Larry Wray is working with Ed Marchetti relative to SCTE certifications being acceptable and approved by Comcast as a viable certification program as opposed or addition to Jones NCTI. The Sierra Chapter would like Comcast to recognize SCTE certifications as an equivalent to NCTI.

Matrix: not discussed

Golf Tournament: Per Mike Soloman, we still have a few openings Aug. 31st. Mike has asked that anyone volunteering to help with the registration process that morning please be there by 7 am. We are encouraging all members to attend the free hosted “meet and greet” reception the evening before at the Stockton Hilton. Chris suggested keeping an email list of participating vendors for notifications in future years.

New Business:

The Golden Gate chapter is working to organize our next Co-Chapter meeting between Central CA, Golden Gate, and Sierra. Dates and locations have not yet been determined.

Next Meeting Date and Place: Next meeting is at the Comcast Sacramento Headend on Sept 16th, 2011, 11:30 AM at: 6901 Roseville Rd, Sacramento, CA 95842

Adjournment: 12:10 PM

July 2011 Board Meeting Minutes

Written by Eric Heitz

Monday, 18 July 2011 12:24

Friday July 15, 2011 Comcast Headend – 6901 Roseville Rd. Sacramento, CA 95842

Attendance: Bob Angelastro, Mike Morris Eric Heitz, Marc LaFleur, Jim Omori, Mike Soloman, Larry Wray, Mike Milligan

Call to Order: 11:42 AM

Approval of June 10, 2011 Minutes: Approved

Treasurer’s Report: There are funds in the checking account (see attached). Account is balanced through June 2011. And Q2 Approved

Old business:

Website / Newsletter: Is up to date. No newsletters were sent out.

Training: We have an IPv6 seminar scheduled for August 18 & 19, Eric will send out newsletter.

Matrix: Discussed digging into the membership in Sacramento that has expired and getting them renewed. Also discussed Ed Marchetti’s conference call to Region one to talk about the year goals that were established at the CLC. We are checking with SCTE National for guidance regarding Chapter charitable donations.

Golf Tournament: Per Mike Soloman, we still have a lot of foursomes to fill.

New Business: At next board meeting we need to establish the help at the Golf. Next Meeting Date and Place: Next meeting is August 12, 2011, 11:30 AM at: OCC Elk Grove Office

Adjournment: 12:18 PM

June 2011 Board Meeting Minutes

Written by Eric Heitz

Friday, 15 July 2011 14:28

Friday June 10, 2011 OCC Office 2204 Kausen Dr. Suite 100, Elk Grove, CA 95758 Attendance: Bob Angelastro; Earl Killingsworth; Eric Heitz; Marc LaFleur; Jim Omori; Mike Soloman; Pat Odenthal; Chris Middleton; Larry Wray; Mike Milligan; Steve Bradley

Call to Order: 11:35 AM Approval of April, 29, 2011 Minutes: Approved

Treasurer’s Report: There are funds in the checking account (see attached). Account is balanced through May 2011. Approved

Old business:

Website / Newsletter: Is up to date. No newsletters were sent out as SCTE National has pointed out that we need to go back to the traditional “paper like newsletter template” to include 5-6 different subjects. The gallery is now up to date and Erik has scanned our recent CLC award certificates.

Training: It was suggested that we start issuing attendance certificates at all SCTE Training. Snacks will continue to be provided but in the event of all day training,providing lunches will be discussed in advance.

Matrix: Motion to remove Roberto Castro from board: Approved Jim Omori has been approved to replace Roberto Castro as Board Member. Bob Angelastro will inform National of change. Comcast has agreed to team up with Comcast University to fill in training gaps. Details to follow. We are checking with SCTE National for guidance regarding Chapter charitable donations. New Business: Next Meeting Date and Place: Next meeting is July 15, 2011, 11:30 AM at: Comcast Headend 6901 Roseville Rd., Sacramento, CA 95842 Adjournment: 12:30 PM

May 2011 Board Meeting Minutes

Written by Eric Heitz

Friday, 10 June 2011 09:25

Sierra Chapter Board Meeting Minutes

Friday April 29, 2011 (May meeting hosted early at the end of April)

OCC Office

2204 Kausen Dr. Suite 100, Elk Grove, CA 95758

Attendance: Bob Angelastro; Earl Killingsworth; Eric Heitz; Marc LaFleur; Jim Omori; Mike Soloman; Ivan Dieu; Pat Odenthal; Chris Middleton; Larry Wray; Ian Thomas; Steve Bradley

Call to Order: 11:35 AM

Approval of Feb. 18th Minutes: Approved

Treasurer’s Report: There are funds in the checking account (see attached). Account is balanced through March 2011. Approved

Old business:

Website / Newsletter: Is up to date. The Region calendar was not being fully updated so we will now link to the National Calendar. Newsletters sent every month.

Training: It was suggested that we start issuing attendance certificates at all SCTE Training. Next training is set for May 26 in Stockton and 27th at Sac HE (check the National calendar for details) subject Laser setup training.

Matrix: Will be updated at the end of quarter.

CLC: Our Chapter was well represented by Bob Angelastro and Mike Soloman. We received the following awards: “Striving for Excellence”; “Recruitment Certificate”; “2010 Compliance Award” and “Professional Development Certificate”. We received 2nd place for Chapter of the year! Our Tri-fold incentive handout pamphlet was published by SCTE national. We need rethink alcohol at SCTE events and how it relates to potential liability.

New Business: Pat Odenthal has stepped down as SCTE Sierra Chapter Director and became an Associate Board Member because of his work commitments. Larry Wray has been voted in and approved as Sierra Chapter Board Director to replace Pat Odenthal.

Sierra Chapter Golf event is set for August 31, 2011. There will be a “meet and greet” at the Hilton Hotel in Stockton. Check for details.

Next Meeting Date and Place: Next meeting is June 10, 2011, 11:30 AM at:


2204 Kausen Dr. Suite 100

Elk Grove, CA 95758

Adjournment: 12:20 PM

Last Updated on Friday, 10 June 2011 09:47

Written by Eric Heitz

Monday, 02 May 2011 08:29

Sierra Chapter Board Meeting Minutes Friday February 18, 2011

Comcast Headend 6901 Roseville Rd., Sacramento CA

Attendance: Chris M; Larry W; Marc L; Pat O; Ray C; Mike Morris; Don D; Jim O; Eric H; Earl K; Steve B

Call to Order: 11:50 AM

Approval of January 14, 2011 minutes: Approved

Treasurer’s Report: There are funds in the checking account balanced thru January 11, 2011. See attached Treasurer’s report.

2011 Budget – After reviewing the 2010 budget the proposed 2011 budget will include: Membership sponsorship participation = $1500; Scholarships = $1000 Charitable donations = $250; Chapter supplies = $200; Website $150 “Giveaways” and speaker gifts = $500; SCTE Expo = $2500 SCTE CLC = $1000; Nor Cal Vendor Day = $2500 (hotel rooms ect.) Board Meeting Lunches (year) $1200; Seminar lunches $400 Co-Chapter meeting $1000; SCTE Certification $800; Annual Membership. Drive $1000 this put our budget for the year at $14000 but will probably come in under this amount (<$10000). 2011 Budget Approved

Website – The website is up to date. Eric is trying to obtain more detailed Vendor Show information from the Golden Gate Chapter to add to our site. Steve B. will request from them directly. Website hosting is coming due on March 3rd. We received 50 bonus points from national.

Training – Don Dyer has informal commitments from Harmonic; ARRIS and Jim Painter. Don will work with various vendors at the upcoming show and seek out additional training for our Chapter. Chris Middleton will also use his contacts to assist Don. We will use our website to show appreciation for our vendor trainers company(s).

News Letter – As stated previously, we are now using “Headlines” and sending out emails with a link back to our website.

Matrix – 2010 matrix totaled 887 points (best ever)

New Membership – Big thanks to OCC who has pledged their support for our Chapter. Chris Middleton will seek out MSO support from Charter and other companies.

Certifications – Our Chapter is urging all members to take advantage of our certification program that is already in place (see website for details).

New Business – Nor Cal Vendor Show is coming up and we need more volunteers for the registration tables (Wed & Thu am). Steve B. is coordinating hotel rooms. 2011 Golf Tournament is tentatively set around the 31st of August. Chris Middleton noted that having our golf event close to the Golden Gates golf event might work to the vendor’s advantage for time mgt. We are looking at locations in the Stockton area to better accommodate Vendors and members. Mike Soloman is heading up this event. Larry W. from OCC was nominated for associate Board Member. Approved

Next Meeting Date and Place: The next meeting will be April 29th, 2009, 11:30AM at the OCC office in Elk Grove:

OCC 2204 Kausen Dr. Suite 100 Elk Grove, CA 95758 Conference Bridge Available

Adjournment: 12:17 PM

Last Updated on Monday, 02 May 2011 08:37

Sept 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

Written by Eric Heitz

Friday, 12 November 2010 07:46

Sierra Chapter Board Meeting Minutes Friday September 17, 2010

Comcast Office 1242 National Dr., Sacramento, CA 95834

Attendance: Bob Angelastro; Ian Thomas; Mike Milligan; Earl Killingsworth; Pat Odenthal; Steve Bradley Conference Bridge: Chris Middleton Call to Order: 11:44 AM Approval of August minutes: Approved

Treasurer’s Report: There are funds in the checking account. Account is balanced through August 2010. Approved

Website: Is up to date. There were no newsletters were sent out as SCTE National has pointed out that we need to go back to the traditional “paper like newsletter template” vs. the “headline approach” we have been using. To increase traffic Eric is suggesting that we expand our photo gallery along with posting any vendor training handouts that we have used for training. Bob Angelastro will coordinate getting Lance Franklin and his Supervisor and Stuart Kidd into the “Comcast Blast” and in our chapter newsletter to qualify for additional compliance points.

Training: MoCa training is scheduled as follows: 9/28 – Comcast National Dr. office 9/29 – Comcast Modesto (am) and Comcast Stockton (pm) 9/30 – Comcast Yuba City Training Flyer to follow.

Old/New Business:

1. News Letter: See “Website” above. 2. Matrix: National has reviewed our Strategic Plan and changed our compliance points to 50. Website is in compliance. Training is in compliance. 3. Certifications: Members who wish to qualify for the SCTE Expo trip must be a newly SCTE certified active member. Active members who merely re-certify will not qualify to be in the drawing for the trip. (See SCTE certification brochure for complete details) 4. Nor-Cal Vendor Show: Nor-Cal Vendors day to be addressed in up coming meetings. 5. New business: Plan annual Sierra Chapter membership drive December 13th – 17th and again in the 1st quarter 2011. Call for board member nominations for up-coming year. Discuss voting options.

Next Meeting Date and Place: Next meeting is November 12, 2010,11:30 am at: Comcast Office 1242 National Dr., Sacramento, CA 95834 Conference Bridge will be provided.

Adjournment: 12:38 PM

Last Updated on Friday, 12 November 2010 07:52

August 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

Written by Eric Heitz

Wednesday, 15 September 2010 12:15

Sierra Chapter Board Meeting Minutes Friday August 13, 2010

OCC Office 2204 Kausen Dr. Suite 100, Elk Grove, CA 95758

Attendance: Bob Angelastro; Earl Killingsworth; Eric Heitz; Mike Milligan; Marc LaFleur; Steve Bradley; Jim Omori; Mike Soloman; Don Dyer; Ivan Dieu; Pat Odenthal.

Call to Order: 11:38 AM

Approval of July 16th Minutes: Approved

Treasurer’s Report: There is $ in the checking account. Account is balanced through July 2010. The Golden Gate Chapter said they will mail our Chapters proceeds check on Monday for our portion of the Vendor Show. Approved

Old business: Website / Newsletter: Is up to date. No newsletters were sent out as SCTE National has pointed out that we need to go back to the traditional “paper like newsletter template” to include 5-6 different subjects. To increase traffic Eric is suggesting that we expand our photo gallery and looking for pictures from anyone attending the upcoming EXPO event. We need to get more people interested in the Certification Incentive Program. An idea might be an article on Stuart Kidd and how he used the program to his career advantage.

Training: Bob Angelastro is trying to get a September training event lined up with Dave Underwood for MoCa training.

Matrix: Greatly improved with 20 points for teamwork. We now total 404.25 points. SCTE EXPO: Board members requested to go are: Steve Bradley, Marc La Fleur and Stuart Kidd (full pass). We have budgeted $1085.00 per attendee.

New Business: It was recommended that anyone that wants to use the library books should contact Rick Young (see Don Dyer for contact info). We will not be purchasing another set at this time. It was voted that due to Bryan Wilson’s departure, Don Dyer will be filling his position as a permanent Board Member for the remaining term. It has been determined that the Chapter will pay for a Board Members Membership dues in a hardship case.

Next Meeting Date and Place: Next meeting is September 17, 2010, 11:30 AM at: Comcast Cable 1242 National Dr. Sacramento, CA 95834 Conference Bridge (916) 515-3400 code 583365 Comcast Cable

Adjournment: 12:20 PM

Last Updated on Wednesday, 29 September 2010 09:11

July 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

Written by Eric Heitz

Monday, 26 July 2010 06:44

Sierra Chapter Board Meeting Minutes Friday July 16, 2010 Comcast Office 1242 National Dr., Sacramento, CA 95834

Attendance: Bob Angelastro; Eric Heitz; Mike Milligan; Marc LaFleur; Earl Killingsworth

Conference Bridge: Chris Middleton; Reese Owen; Jim Omori; Mike Morris; Bryan Wilson; Jim Omori; Mike Soloman

Call to Order: 11:41 AM

Approval of June minutes: Approved

Treasurer’s Report: There is $ 14,659.13 in the checking account (see attached).

Account is balanced through June. Approved

New/old business:

Website: Is up to date. No newsletters were sent out as SCTE National has pointed out that we need to go back to the traditional “paper like newsletter template” vs. the “headline approach” we have been using. To increase traffic Eric is suggesting that we expand our photo gallery along with posting any vendor training handouts that we have used for training.

Training: Bob Angelastro will be contacting Dave Underwood to try and secure MoCa training in August. 1. News Letter: See “Website” above. 2. Local Vendors Day: Post Vendor Day we have determined that overall the show went well but we need to address the lunch costs but maintain the free admission as the training is what is important. We must increase attendance in future events especially the “Fulfillment Groups” within the various companies. Not only does it help in training but also it gives vendors the much-needed face-to-face contact with the people who actually use their equipment. 3. Matrix: Bob Angelastro and Mike Morris has contacted National and confirmed that we have complied relative to their requests. 4. SCTE EXPO: Board members requested to go are: Steve Bradley; Marc LaFleur; Earl Killingsworth and one selected SCTE certified member. It was voted and approved that the costs will include the flight; Hotel (3 days); $50/day for meals. We have 2 full show passes. One will go to Steve Bradley and the other full pass will go to the selected SCTE certified member. Chris Middleton will get floor passes to the other attendees. 5. Asset List: All board members are to provide to Don Dyer via email the following: Description; SN and Value of any equipment that you may have in your possession in order to compile a database of Sierra Chapter’s property. 6. Sierra Chapter un-finished business: SCTE Certification books, who has them. Do we have to buy another set. Inventory list of Chapter equipment, detailed list of chapter equipment and who has procession of it.

Proposal on the table for Chapter members to have their membership fee Covered by the chapter. Update: The Sierra Chapter will pay for any Sierra Chapter Board Member that is a “Hardship”.

Collect monies from Golden gate Chapter. Bob Angelastro to contact Bob Acheson.

The Board has approved paying for Stuart Kidd’s upcoming membership 2010 membership renewal.

Next Meeting Date and Place: Next meeting is August 13, 2010, 11:30 AM at: OCC 2204 Kausen Dr. Elk Grove, CA 95758 Conference Bridge (provided)

Adjournment: 12:20 PM

Last Updated on Monday, 26 July 2010 07:04

June 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

Written by Eric Heitz

Tuesday, 29 June 2010 07:52

Sierra Chapter Board Meeting Minutes Friday June 18, 2010

OCC Office 3941Pell Cir, Sacramento, CA 95815

Attendance: Bob Angelastro; Steve Bradley; Donald Dyer; Eric Heitz; Ted Bankosh; Mike Milligan; Robert Castro

Conference Bridge: Chris Middleton; Pat Odenthal; Ray Crabtree; Jim Omori

Call to Order: 11:45 AM

Approval of May minutes: Approved

Treasurer's Report: Account is balanced through May. Approved

New/old business:

1. Website: Website looking good, our June traffic tripled. Eric has added a new link to our photo gallery (link on left side of web page). Eric will look into adding info to the site about who/where to check out training books for certification.

2. Training: We are going to focus our training efforts toward Headend Technicians and Network/ Line technicians. Spirent is presently conducting 3 MoCa training classes in the Bay, we are going to establish Central MoCa training for Fresno, Sacramento, Chico. Stockton HE techs were attending the Livermore training session.

3. News Letter: It was determined training information e-mails do count as news letters. So we are meeting our news letter needs by sending out info on local & webcast training.

4. Local Vendors Day: Thanks to all for the support at the vendors day show. Attendance by local technicians was low, this is being reviewed to determine a way to have more technicians attend the show and more importantly, attend the awesome training classes.

5. Matrix: Reviewing the Matrix we realize we are short points that we have earned. Robert Angelastro will be contacting Dale Rosovich to discuss and resolve.

6. Sierra Chapter un-finished business: SCTE Certification books, who has them. Do we have to buy another set. Inventory list of Chapter equipment, Detailed list of chapter equipment and who has procession of it. Proposal on the table for Chapter members to have their membership fee covered by the chapter. Collect monies from Golden gate Chapter. Robert Angelastro to contact Bob Acheson.

Next Meeting Date and Place: The next meeting TBD July 16th, 2010, 11:30 AM :See website for location.

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