Good Morning Sierra Chapter,
We have been receiving many requests on New and Renewal Membership process. Please read below to the link provided and will take to the National SCTE site. Make sure your chapter says Sierra and Active member to 12/31/20
The information below provides you with the summary of the join/renewal process for your organization, as well as any enhancements you will experience with your membership. Active 2020 CAP SCTE•ISBE members will remain members under the Corporate Alliance Program. If for any reason, you haven’t been renewed through the program, please follow these instructions.
If you are interested in becoming a member of SCTE•ISBE, follow the instructions below.
To join as a Corporate Alliance Member
RENEWING MEMBER - Kindly follow these instructions to re-active your account prior to taking courses. SCTE•ISBE staff will need to re-activate that membership prior to the individual signing up for courses.
NEW MEMBERS - Click on Become a Member under the Membership page. The page will required you to join or login in. Joining procedures are as follows - Click Join Us. Please be sure to enter your Comcast email address and choose Comcast as your company from the Primary Organization field in order for your Corporate Alliance Membership to process correctly (to do this, type the letters COMCA of your company name and choose Comcast Cable Communications from the list that appears). IF YOU SELECT ANY OTHER COMPANY NAME, or type the entire name, THE PROMO CODE WILL NOT WORK!
1. Go to the Membership Page ( and click "Become a Member". 2. Select CAP as your membership type by clicking "Add To Cart". 3. View cart to proceed to checkout 4. Copy this code: COMCASTMBR20 and enter this code in the promotional code box and hit apply. 5. Click "Submit" to confirm order and activate membership.